Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 2 Favorite Stop Animation

MY first favorite stop animiation is a lego version of Eddie Izzard's death star canteen, i found it at My second favorite is a similar one with the voice of the same comedian, Eddie Izzard's Supermarkets and Trolleys,

Friday, February 19, 2010

Shaken, not stired.

For another class assignment we had to post on our blogs our best RHS ad that we have made, I chose to post my 007 James Bond ad. In this ad I wanted to show some of the more famous pieces of James Bond, like the spiraling gun barrel that starts off the begining credits in most of the Bond movies.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Composite Heads

For my tech class we had a project where we had to make a composite head (a head with many different eyes, mouth, nose, etc that replace the original) here are two of the ones I made.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gamer 101

Many people don't know this about me but I'm a major gamer. during the summer, when it's too hot to go outside I usually sit at my computer (when my mom allows it) and play WoW (World of Warcraft) and other online games. Many people think that those who play WoW have no life and are geeks, well i have plays it for almost three years and I can tell you from experience that many of the people who play are not geeks, they are people just like you (many adults who just need something to do in their free time.
I also know a lot of friend who play and playing online games is a good way to ineract with people in different parts of the country and sometimes the world.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Favorite Things.

Some of the things I enjoy to do are riding my fourwheeler at the dunes, type my first book, drawing random pictures, hanging out with friends, and making and uploading vidoes to youtube. Here is one of the videos i made and posted online, enjoy!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Something I've Created

Some of my best creations, that I'm very proud of are posted on For the past two years, my girlfriend and I have been making AMV's (Anime Music Videos) and we posted them on youtube. To view these videos you can go to my channel at Watch, comment and enjoy!